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A Cool-Hued Classic Border

  If your idea of ideal garden beauty is the traditional perennial border of grand English estates, this American-style interpretation may be for you. The color scheme here is cool and elegant, encompassing numerous shades of blue, violet and lavender, brightened with sparks of white and touches of primrose yellow. The single hollyhocks are of mixed colors and will probably include tones of pink and rose, providing vertical accents of warmer color. Normally, it takes several years to develop a garden such as this. But with Etera Perennials, your plants will grow together and form the lush, flowering drifts that are the hallmark of the classic border in not time. If you are in a real hurry, you can temporarily fill in the spaces with fast growing annuals. If possible, include in your border some wonderful English or antique shrub roses such as ‘Blanc Double de Coubert', ‘Heritage', or ‘Gertrude Jekyll'. Give this garden a full day of sun for optimum performance. You'll also want to work lots of humus and compost into the soil to maximize fertility, porosity, and moisture retention. Your efforts will be rewarded with an entire summer of bounteous blooms. Plant in groups of three except where indicated.
A Achillea 'Appleblossom'
Clusters of rich rosy-pink blossoms atop sturdy stems with grayish-green fern-like foliage. Height 36" Durable to -40° F
J Delphinium 'Dark Blue/Dark Bee'
Violet-blue florets with a black bee - the center cluster of sepals. Doesn't require staking. Height 36" Durable to -40° F
B Achillea 'Moonshine'
2-3" wide clusters of lemon-yellow flowers atop sturdy stems and striking silvery-gray foliage. Height 18-24" Durable to -40° F
K Iris 'New Hybrids'
Elegant flowers on strong hollow stems above arching upright clumps of rich green, slender leaves. Height 36" Durable to -40° F
C Aleea 'Singles Mix'
Cup-shaped flowers along tall. nodding spires bring a delightful combination of hollyhocks, all with "single" flowers for an unadorned beauty. Height 5-7' Durable to -20° F
L Lavandula 'Hidcote'
Richly aromatic with dusky blue-gray leaves and purple flowers. Excellent choice for rock and fragrance gardens. Height 12" Durable to -20° F
D Alehemilla 'Improved'
Forms a mound of soft, lobed leaves with a late spring display of tiny chartreuse flower sprays. Height 18" Durable to -30° F
M Malva 'Alba'
White flowers aplenty from early summer to frost, and deeply divided, lightly aromatic, light green leaves. Height 36" Durable to -30° F
E Boltonia 'Nana'
A dwarf variety with large 1" flowers in splendid profusion during late summer. Height 24" Durable to -30° F
N Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'
Aromatic plant with small heart-shaped, gray-green leaves. Tiny, tubular, violet-blue flowers are held in loose racemes. Height 36" Durable to -40° F
F Buddleia 'White Profusion'
Large shrubs with pristine white flowers in dense clusters. Can be cut for lavish arrangements. Height 6-7' Durable to -20° F
O Phlox 'Blue Boy'
Handsome trusses of fragrant, clear lavenderblue flowers held atop sturdy, leafy stems. Height 24" Durable to -30° F
G Campanula'Telham Beauty'
Soft blue blossoms with varied leaf color; most effective planted in groups of three or more. Height 36-48" Durable to -40° F
P Phlox 'Franz Schubert'
Trusses of lilac-blue flowers with crimson eyes, held aloft by sturdy stems with thin, oblong leaves. Height 36" Durable to -30° F
H Chrysanthemum 'Snow Lady'
White blooms with yellow centers make this a stunning choice for a garden. Height 10" Durable to-10° F
Q Salvia 'Blue Hill'
Clump-forming plant with sky-blue flowers on spikes and velvety, aromatic leaves. Excellent for cut flower arrangements. Height 20" Durable to -40° F
I Delphinium 'Bellamosa'
Dark violet flowers in a delicate, open habit. Luxuriant display along fences, walls, and back of border. Height 36-48" Durable to -40° F
R Veronicastrum 'Rosea'
Handsome vertical accent with long terminal spikes of small, lavender-pink flowers. Seldom needs staking. Height 48" Durable to -40° F


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